Episode 89: Nephilim, Giants, and the Book of Enoch
August 7th, 2024
In this episode Pastor Raef digs into the fascinating passage of Genesis 6:1-4 and the story of the Nephilim, half angelic, half human giants that roamed the Earth before the flood of Noah, and even a...  Read More
by Raef Chenery
Should Retribution or Reformation be at the Center of Our Criminal Justice System?
August 6th, 2024
On April 17, 2023 Newsweek ran a helpful summary of events that transpired in Chicago. The previous weekend mobs of teenagers had vandalized entire sections of downtown Chicago, the city where I live ...  Read More
by Raef Chenery
Why I Abandoned Evolution
July 27th, 2024
The idea that an educated person would hold to the notion that the theory of evolution a fabricated fairy tale is, for many, laughable. I am very aware that some who read this post will get no further...  Read More
by Raef Chenery
Episode 88: 2024 State of the Bible - Looking at the Facts
July 19th, 2024
In this episode we look at the American Bible Society's newest 'State of the Bible 2024' which came out just last week. There are both encouraging and discouraging points of data to consider as we loo...  Read More
by Raef Chenery
Episode 87: Engaging Politics Christianly
July 16th, 2024
In this episode Pastor Raef digs into politics by considering what the Bible has to say about politics. We look at five different approaches that Christians throughout the ages have taken to politics ...  Read More
by Raef Chenery
Should Christians Be Patriotic?
July 4th, 2024
Once upon a time, not too long ago, you would be hard pressed to find a Christian who wondered what the answer to this question was. Love for one’s own nation was a Christian duty, rooted deeply in ri...  Read More
by Raef Chenery
Episode 86: David Brainerd - A Man Mightily Used of God
June 26th, 2024
In this episode Pastor Raef looks at the life of David Brainerd, an early American missionary to the Native Americans. By studying his life together, not only will we get a wonderful picture of a life...  Read More
by Raef Chenery
Living in the Worldview of Isaiah
June 26th, 2024
This post is actually the final concluding section of a lengthier paper I recently wrote on the book of Isaiah. The title of that paper was How Creation & Eschatology Form an Integrated Worldview in I...  Read More
by Raef Chenery
Listening to Experiential Sermons Well
June 26th, 2024
Over the course of a Christian’s life, they will engage with hundreds, if not thousands, of sermons. For many, the expectation of a Sunday is that the preacher will include something novel in their ex...  Read More
by Raef Chenery
Six D’s of Eldership
June 26th, 2024
By the grace of God I have been able to serve as a Pastor/Elder of our Church for 10 years. I pray, the Lord may grant me many more decades of service in this role. In this role I have also been able ...  Read More
by Raef Chenery
Are Christians Required to Honor the Sabbath?
June 26th, 2024
A common question I receive from both members and visitors to our Church is whether or not Christians are supposed to keep a Sabbath one day a week. Recently, I preached on the theme of the Sabbath ou...  Read More
by Raef Chenery
The Madman on Your Nightly News
June 26th, 2024
We find ourselves as Christians living in a modern secular age. Just as Judah, in the Old Testament, was forced to live as exiles in Babylon, so are we as Christians in the West forced to live in a so...  Read More
by Raef Chenery