Find ways to Serve
Joining a Sunday serving team is one of the best ways to not only build friendships and community, but to really take ownership of the Church and begin to be a part of seeing it thrive. We request that you commit to serving at least once a month on the team you select. After you signup, a leader from that team will follow up with you.

Team Lead: Christopher Dolan
Tech Team
Our tech team's primary responsibility is to run the audio and video components of each week. From operating slides, to mixing the audio, to managing our livestream, this team pretty much runs all of our tech on Sunday morning.

Team Lead: Allen Hudson
Music Team
If you have are gifted musically, consider being a part of the Sunday worship team. This team helps lead the worship through music that happens during our services on Sunday mornings.

Team Lead: Stephanie Reiman
Kids Ministry
Our kids ministry team serves in our children's classrooms each week, leading our children through their Sunday school curriculum. From being a classroom lead, to a classroom helper, there are plenty of ways to serve.

Team Lead: Alek & Rose Pulido
Our Connections Team are the greeters and connectors of our Sunday gathering. From meeting new folks, to helping others take next steps. The goal is that nobody feels alone on a Sunday morning.

Team Lead: Christopher Dolan
Setup/Teardown Ministry
Since we rent space on Sunday mornings for our Church to gather, there is some setup and teardown each week. From getting flags and signs outdoors, to making sure the kids classrooms have all their equipment and supplies in place.