Five Bible Reading Plans for 2025

As a Pastor, it is one of my great desires to not only equip the Church to engage their Bibles meaningfully, but to deepen each member in my church’s resolve to excel in their own personal Bible reading and reflection. This is not only a Christian duty, but ought to be a Christian delight, a dedicated time each day to fill one’s heart and soul with the Word of God. Truly, if we are not filling our hearts with the Word of God daily in order to be spiritually shaped and guided, then inevitably our hearts are passively being filled with some lesser word. Indeed that lesser word will shape and guide us whether we approve of it or not. We must make it our aim to delight ourselves in the Word of God, to be strong and resilient soldiers in Christ who live by His Word, think by His Word, and hope in His Word.

I would like to provide you with a few simple instructions for making the most of your daily bible reading and prayer.

Commit to a Consistent Time & Space: I have found that my early mornings, before my children arise, are the most convenient for me and my family. “I rise before dawn and cry for help; I hope in your words. My eyes are awake before the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promise” (Psalm 119:147-148). If your selected time is not early in the morning, then choose a time that is not easily interrupted by other distractions. Whatever time you choose, make it a consistent habit that is prioritized in your schedule.

Use a Journal to Reflect Daily: I recommend keeping a journal at your study station, in which each day you take a moment while reading to reflect on God’s Word. I typically select one verse that has particularly resonated with me that morning, I write that verse out in full on my notepad, and then write a paragraph or two with theological and practical thoughts pertaining to that passage.

Pray for a Sense of Daily Wonder: Some folks are hesitant to commit to a plan because they feel that it somehow formalizes their faith and makes their relationship with God feel rote or mechanical. I, on the other hand, find that a plan takes my relationship with God to new heights. It ensures that I get through all of God’s counsel in a given timeframe. We do have to pray against and guard against rote Bible reading. Before you begin each day, take a moment to pray these words to God from your heart, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law” (Psalm 119:18).

Choose a plan that works best for you. Don’t become overwhelmed if you fall behind. Rather, just pick up where you left off and work hard to stay on track. Below are five options ranging in level of time commitment that you might consider using.

Raef Chenery Daily Bible Reading & Prayer Plan
This is both a Bible Reading and Prayer Plan. Each day contains up to five different readings spread out across the five different major sections of scripture: Torah, OT Writings, OT Prophets, Gospels, NT Letters. What makes this plan unique is that it also has an accompanying prayer plan that utilizes three separate psalms a day to guide you on three separate moments of prayer: morning, noon, and night. By committing to this prayer plan you will have prayed through the entire psalter seven times in one year.

  • Daily Time Commitment: High
  • What You Complete in a Year: The Old Testament 1.5x, the Gospels 4x, the NT Letters 2x, the Psalms 7x.
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan
The M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan is a classic work developed by the Puritan Robert Murray M’Cheyne. His life was cut short, but his legacy of this Bible Reading Plan has endured for many generations. I myself have used this plan many years over. M’Cheyne’s original plan has built into it chapters for a head of family to read to their children each day, and then other chapters to read privately. But this plan can also be used by an individual. You can read an overview from DA Carson on this Bible Reading Plan here.

  • Daily Time Commitment: High
  • What You’ll Complete in a Year: The Old Testament 1x, The New Testament and Psalms 2x
The Bible Project Annual Reading Plan
The Bible Project is a wonderful online resource that has created countless videos exploring various topics on the Bible. Their annual reading plan is a 365 day guide that will get you through the entire Bible in a year, but most days of the year also have a corresponding short video to help explain a part or an aspect of that day’s reading. For visual learners, this is a great option.

  • Daily Time Commitment: Medium
  • What You’ll Complete in a Year: The whole Bible 1x, the Psalms 2.5x.
Navigators Book-at-a-Time Bible Reading Plan
The Navigators are a wonderful ministry aimed at college students. Over the years as I have witnessed their ministry from a distance I can attest that they have a wonderful focus on God’s Word. This plan takes you through the entire Bible in one year, providing two readings for each day. Plus, this plan only has twenty-five readings each month, which means there are a handful of built in catch-up days along the way.

  • Time Commitment: Medium
  • What You’ll Complete in a Year: The whole Bible 1x
Navigators 5x5x5 New Testament Bible Reading Plan
This is a great option for those who are new to Bible Reading and looking to form some simple consistent habits. This plan is designed to be five minutes per day of reading five days a week. The third “five” in the title refers to the five “ways to dig deeper” as your reflect on that day’s reading.

  • Time Commitment: Easy
  • What You’ll Read in a Year: The New Testament 1x.
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