"Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power...Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness; they will sing with joy about your righteousness."
Psalms 1:145 NLT
On Sundays, youth 7th grade & up are encouraged to sit in service for corporate worship. Then they're invited to join us in the evenings for our Youth Group, Students @ Park Near South. Formal sessions will take a break starting Sun., June 2nd, 2024, and we will resume in Sept., 2024. We serves as a ministry that pours into the students of Park South Loop, Hyde Park, Bridgeport, and surrounding areas, so that they one day accept Christ as their Lord & savior and spread the good news. Through this youth group and social events, we create spaces where students learn more about themselves, form lasting friendships, grow in their understanding of Jesus, and explore how to navigate life in Chicago as a young Christian. For questions, contact Stephanie Bernardo Reiman.
Join the email list
Weekly emails are sent to recap what our most recent session was about, provide materials to reflect on at home, and give updates on the ministry. Sign up so you can stay updated!
Register for Youth Group
Youth Group meets on Sunday evenings from 5:30m - 7pm at The Bridge - a community gathering space at our Park Bridgeport location. Register below to get more details.