Raef Chenery
Lead Pastor & Elder
Raef has served as the Pastor of Park South Loop since 2013. Before joining the Pastoral team, Raef previously served as a missionary in Thailand, as well as spent five years in corporate America. He completed his Masters of Divinity from Moody Bible Institute and is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He is married to his wife of thirteen years, and together they have three daughters.

Allen Hudson
Worship & Small Groups Director & Elder
Allen joined the Park South Loop team in 2022 but has been apart of the Park Family of Churches since 2016. Prior to leading the music aspect of service, he served behind the scenes leading the technical supportive side of the weekend gatherings. He and his wife have been married since new years eve of 2011, and they have two kids. Allen works full time to oversee the Small Group ministry and the music aspect of the weekend gatherings.

Stephanie Bernardo Reiman
Church Administration & Family Ministries
Stephanie joined the team in 2022 but has been attending Park South Loop since its first service in 2016. Prior to being on staff, she served as a Chicago Public Schools middle and high school math educator for 8 years as well as mentored young teachers in the Chicagoland area. Stephanie works full time overseeing church administration, the Kids Loop Ministry, the Near South Youth Group, and all things families.

Thomas Paukovitz
Pastoral Resident
Thomas became a Pastoral Resident at Park South Loop in Fall 2024. Thomas serves the church through empowering marriages and relationships to be faithful to God’s vision, and parents in the discipleship of their children. Before joining the Pastoral Team, Thomas served as an Elder at Park Hyde Park and Park Bridgeport. He completed his Masters of Divinity from Liberty University. He also works as an IT Professional at a law firm in the city. Thomas and his wife have been married since 2008, have two daughters, and are patiently awaiting the adoption of their third child.

Christopher Dolan
Production Coordinator
Christopher joined the team in January 2021. Prior to working at Park Community Church south loop he attended Columbia College Chicago. He also works as a live audio engineer with various companies and venues around Chicago. Christopher and his wonderful wife are newly married and live in the Bridgeport neighborhood.

Kyung Kim
Kyung joined the elder team at Park South Loop since January 2023. He and his wife have been part of the SL community for 3 years, having relocated from San Francisco during COVID. They have been married 31 years, and their two adult kids live in NYC & SF. Professionally, Kyung is a consultant in healthcare, but he was on the pastoral staff at his church in SF for ~15 years, as well as some software start ups. If you want to hear the long version, he would gladly have coffee & share!

Darren Poon
Darren has served as an elder at Park South Loop since 2020 and has been calling Park Community Church home since 2010. He is an architect and is passionate for the city. He married his wife Kira in 2013 and together they have had three sons.