Adoption & Foster Care

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27

Caring for the Fatherless

At Park South Loop we are passionate about caring for the fatherless. The Scriptures teach us that when we placed our faith in Christ we were adopted into God's family (Romans 8:15).  Now we, filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, get to step into the brokenness of fatherlessness in the world around us, with the love of Christ. This is one of the most powerful witnesses of Christ that we have to watching the world, and the need is all around us.

There are a handful of key ways that you might consider taking a next step. For each of them we have families at our Church who have boldly gone down the road and are willing to come alongside you and mentor you along the way.

The Adoption Fund Story

Finances are often a huge barrier to many families who might otherwise consider adopting a child. The Park Adoption Fund was created to come alongside willing adoptive families at our Church with financial help in order to see these precious children find a Christian home.

Everyone Can Do Something

There are all different ways and degrees of getting involved. Let us help you take the next step that is right for you by reaching out to us using the form below.


In adoption, a willing adoptive family becomes the "forever parents" of a child in need of a home. We work with partners who vet adoption agencies and provide financial resources for willing adoptive couples.

Safe Families

Safe Families is a Christian organization that is a step before Foster Care. It provides extremely short term placement for children in need (typically 2-5 weeks).

Foster Care

Foster Care is local, meaning you'll care for children in Chicago in need of a home. The child's stay can be anywhere from a few months to a few years depending on their situation. Sometimes a foster placement can move towards adoption.


Some folks are not ready to consider taking a child into their home, but are able to get certified to become a safe home to give safe families parents an evening off. This is a simple way to join the effort.