Prayer &  Care

"One good way to get comfort is to plead the promise to God in prayer.… Show him his handwriting; God is tender of his word. These arguings in prayer are not to work upon God, but ourselves." Thomas Manton

Prayer Ministry

Prayer is central to what we do as a Church. In some ways you might describe it as the fuel that makes the Church go. We want to be a Church that truly depends on prayer the way we see the Apostles depending on prayer in Scripture. Prayer of course takes place in many times and places throughout the life of the Church, but there are a few key places that we invite our people to really join and be a part of corporately.

Sunday Morning Pre Service Prayer: Every Sunday morning, a group from our Church gathers to pray over the upcoming Sunday service. They meet in the large hallway of our Sunday gathering space, and pray from 9:15-9:45am. This powerful time of prayer lays a foundation of prayer for the entire Sunday gathering to built upon.
Quarterly Prayer & Worship Nights: We host a night of prayer and worship, where we invite the Church to linger in prayer. We provide various prayer stations available to pray in different ways. It's a chance to slow down and pause before the Lord. See our Events page for our next scheduled Prayer and Worship Night.

Care Ministry

A Church ought to be a place to truly tend to both physical and spiritual needs.  We want to make sure that every need is met, that every prayer is prayed for, and tend to those experiencing hurt. If you have a prayer or care need that you would like someone from our Pastoral staff or  Deacon care team to follow up, please let us know.  If ongoing professional counseling is needed, we can connect you with a list of partner Christian counselors in the city.  Additionally, our benevolence fund is set up to come alongside those in financial need.